
This Python project creates a voice assistant similar to Amazon Alexa. It utilizes speech recognition, text-to-speech, and various libraries to perform tasks like fetching information from Wikipedia, telling jokes, and playing songs on YouTube. The assistant's functionality can be extended to add more features in the future.

Primary LanguagePython


Table of Contents

  • Description
  • Tech Stack
  • Installation
  • Usage
  • Features
  • Limitations
  • Future Extensions
  • How to Use
  • Contributing


This Python project aims to create a voice assistant similar to Amazon Alexa. The voice assistant utilizes various libraries and dependencies to perform different tasks, such as fetching information from Wikipedia, telling jokes, playing songs on YouTube, and providing the current time.

Tech Stack

Python: The entire project is built using Python programming language. Python offers simplicity, versatility, and a rich ecosystem of libraries that make it well-suited for developing voice-based applications like this voice assistant.

The project uses various Python libraries and modules, such as:

  • speech_recognition: Used for speech recognition to understand user commands.
  • pyttsx3: Provides text-to-speech functionality to allow the assistant to speak.
  • pywhatkit: Enables the assistant to perform tasks like searching on the web and playing YouTube videos.
  • datetime: Used for getting the current time and date.
  • wikipedia: Allows the assistant to fetch information from Wikipedia.
  • pyjokes: Provides a collection of jokes that the assistant can tell.


You can install the required dependencies using pip. Open your terminal or command prompt and run the following commands:

pip install speech_recognition
pip install pyttsx3
pip install pywhatkit
pip install datetime
pip install wikipedia
pip install pyjokes


To use the voice assistant, import the necessary modules and run the Python script.

# Import the required modules
import speech_recognition as sr
import pyttsx3
import pywhatkit
import datetime
import wikipedia
import pyjokes


The voice assistant can perform the following tasks:

  • Know the current time and date.
  • Fetch information from Wikipedia based on user queries.
  • Tell jokes to entertain the user.
  • Play songs from YouTube based on the song name provided by the user.


  • The voice assistant's functionality is currently limited to the specified features.
  • The speech recognition accuracy may vary depending on the user's accent and the surrounding environment.
  • The assistant might not be able to understand certain complex queries.

Future Extensions

The project can be extended to include more features and capabilities, such as:

  • Weather information retrieval.
  • Sending emails on voice command.
  • Integration with smart home devices.
  • Setting reminders and alarms.
  • Providing news updates.
  • Support for more natural language queries.

How to Use

To interact with the voice assistant, you must use the wake word "Alexa" before each command. For example:

  • "Alexa, what is Formula 1?": The assistant will search and provide information about Formula 1.
  • "Alexa, tell me a joke": The assistant will tell a random joke.
  • "Alexa, play See You Again": The assistant will search and play the song "See You Again" on YouTube. Please note that the wake word "Alexa" is required for the assistant to respond to your commands.

Demo Video

Check out the Demo Video to see the voice assistant in action!

Contributing Contributions to this project are welcome! If you have any ideas or suggestions to improve the voice assistant, feel free to submit issues or pull requests.