Bitespeed User-Service

Swagger Documentation

Explore the API documentation using Swagger: Swagger UI

Service Endpoint Configuration

contextPath: user-service

Tech Stack Used

  • Java
  • Spring Boot
  • gradle
  • PostgreSQL

ER Diagram


Identify contact API


  • POST
  • /v1/identify


This endpoint is used to identify a customer contact based on their email address or phone number.

Request Payload

  "email": "string",
  "phoneNumber": "string"
  • email (string): The email address of the customer.
  • phoneNumber (string): The phone number of the customer.

Note: At least one of email or phoneNumber must be provided.

Response Payload

  "es": 0,
  "message": "Success",
  "statusCode": 200,
  "timeStamp": "2024-03-05T05:52:07.250218123",
  "contact": {
    "primaryContactId": 0, 
    "emails": ["string"],
    "phoneNumbers": ["string"],
    "secondaryContactIds": [0] 
  • es (integer): Error status code. (if es is 0 success else failed)
  • message (string): A message indicating the status of the request.
  • statusCode (integer): HTTP status code (custom).
  • timeStamp (string): Timestamp of the response.
  • contact (object): Information about the identified customer contact.
    • primaryContactId (integer): ID of the primary contact.
    • emails (array of strings): List of email addresses associated with the contact.
    • phoneNumbers (array of strings): List of phone numbers associated with the contact.
    • secondaryContactIds (array of integers): IDs of secondary contacts associated with the primary contact.

Error Handling

  • In this case es will not be zero. Still Server response will give 200.
  • By es we can identify the errors from backend.
  • If both email and phoneNumber are not provided, a 400 Bad Request response will be returned.
  "es": 1,
  "message": "At least one of email or phoneNumber must be provided.",
  "statusCode": 400,
  "timeStamp": "2024-03-05T11:43:09.8956821"
  • If an internal server error occurs during processing, a 500 Internal Server Error response will be returned.
  "es": 1,
  "message": "Sorry! Something went wrong.",
  "statusCode": 500,
  "timeStamp": "2024-03-05T11:46:21.8743594"