
Code for fits and limits for HH->bbgg

Primary LanguageRenderScript

How to

  • Get latest combine tools (link):
export SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc530
cmsrel CMSSW_8_1_0
cd CMSSW_8_1_0/src 
git clone https://github.com/cms-analysis/HiggsAnalysis-CombinedLimit.git HiggsAnalysis/CombinedLimit
cd HiggsAnalysis/CombinedLimit
git fetch origin
git checkout v7.0.9
scramv1 b clean; scramv1 b

Get this repository code:

cd ../
git clone git@github.com:ResonantHbbHgg/bbggLimits2018.git
cd bbggLimits2018
scramv1 b

Limit trees

  • Run the limit tree maker like so:
./makeLT.py /eos/cms/store/group/phys_higgs/resonant_HH/RunII/FlatTrees/2016/2018_05_04_HHTaggerETH/ -x nonres -o LT_OutDir [-c Y]

The core code that makes the trees is bbggLTMaker.C. It is based on TSelector and does not depend on CMSSW, just the ROOT.
The goal of this code is to categorize events and make a new tree which catID variable, as well as mgg and mjj. Different type of categorizations can be done chosen by option -c Y:

 Y = 0: 2016 tagger with categorization used in 2016 analysis (4 categories)
 Y = 1: 2017 ETH tagger, using 2016 style categorization (4 categories);
 Y = 2: 2017 ETH tagger, with optimized categorization without mjj cut (12 categories);
 Y = 3: 2017 ETH tagger, with optimized categorization and mjj cuts (12 categories);

Notes on limit trees

  • The scale factors for b-tagging are not included in this code. This is because a) the method we used in 2016 is outdated; and b) it requires compilation together with some CMSSW packages which is not trivial in TSelector code. For the reference, this code was used in 2016 to apply the SF for b-tagging.
  • In order to implement another categorization, one has to put it here in bbggLTMaker code, following the structure for already implemented categorizations.

Fits and limits

  • Run the fits and limits on the produced LTs:
./runLimit.py -f conf_default.json --node=SM -o LIMS_OutDir

The process may take a while to complete, especially when running with many categories.
The config file conf_default.json can be edited to provide needed parameters. Some of them are:

 LTDIR: location of the input Limit Trees (expected to be in the local diractory, after running previous step)
 ncat: number of categories. This should much the number of categories produced in limit tries (currently, should be 4 or 12)
 fitStrategy: 2 - for 2D fit of (mgg, mjj); 1 - for 1D fit of mgg, in which case a cut is set to 100<mjj<150 somewhere in runLimit.py script.

The results of the limit will be in LIMS_OutDir/Node_SM/result_1.log. In case of problems, the logfile mainLog_data-time.log[.bbgg2D] can be useful

Notes on datacards and limits

  • Systematic uncertainties are not real (especially the ones for b-tagging and JEC) for the case of 2017 categorization (the older numbers are used). Once proper systematics are obtained they need to be propagated to template datacards for each category (in templates directory).
  • The same background fit function is used in all categories (3d order Benrnstein). It may be necessary in the future to have different functions in each category. This should be modifien from templates/models_2D_higgs_mjj70_cat*.rs files and then taken care in src/bbgg2DFitter.cc

The plots

  • Run the following command to do fit diagnostics of combine and make quick plots:
combine -M FitDiagnostics LIMS_OutDir/Node_SM/hhbbgg_13TeV_DataCard.txt --plots --out LIMS_OutDir/

Note that you may see many warnings. They are ignored at the moment, but should be fixed in the future.

  • non-integer bin entry:
[#0] WARNING:Plotting -- RooHist::addBin(ch4_plot__mgg) WARNING: non-integer bin entry 14.5154 with Poisson errors, interpolating between Poisson errors of adjacent integer

These are probably due to the fact that the observed data are taken from MC with weights and the events are not integers.

  • parameters at boundary:
[WARNING] Found [CMS_hhbbgg_13TeV_mjj_bkg_slope2_cat0] at boundary.

Note on plotting

Previously, the plots were made taking the post-fit results of the Maximum Likelihood fit from combine, see here. However, this is no longer provided with FitDiagnostics option, as also pointed out in this post in HN. In the same HN post, it's suggested to use -M MultiDimFit --saveWorkspace options, which should provide the post-fit PDFs. This should be explored in the future