
Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Final Project

Design using C++

Bjarne Stroustrup

Columbia University

AirDrop is a popular peer-to-peer file sharing service developed by Apple for MacOS and iOS products. We propose building a file sharing service using sounds as a synchronization (and possibly data transmission, time allowing) method for file transfers. Our application leverages the speaker and microphone readily available on almost all consumer devices to transmit the necessary information for scp ( secure copy - a bash utility) to ssh into a target machine and copy a target file to its destination. Note that our application does not extend the capabilities of a scp, but rather provides convenience to users. With SoundDrop, users can simply specify a file to send and all devices in the local area (ie. within earshot) will automatically connect and copy the file.


Use the following commands to build the external libs

make build_libs

Run unit test

Make sure you set your volume key to 4 and point your headphone to your microphone

make test

Run application


./send_file <file_path>



Build issues

clang: error: no such file or directory: 'libs/portaudio/lib/.libs/libportaudio.a'
make: *** [send_file] Error 1


make build_libs


For running a secure copy (scp) between two hosts as part of the project, host_src and host_dest.

host_src (computer running reciever) is where the program will run the scp command, host-dest (computer running sender) is where it is going.

On host_src (the one running the scp command) create a key pair for SoundDrop

$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -f sounddrop

Make sure both keys are in your ~/.ssh directory

Copy sounddrop.pub to host_dest using whatever machinism you like.

On host_dest, copy the contents of sounddrop.pub to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys.

IMPORTANT: Create a authorized_keys file if one does not already exist in your .ssh directory

$ cat id_rsa.pub >>~/.ssh/authorized_keys
$ chmod 700 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Finally, configure computer settings on host_dest to enable remote login and file sharing on a subset of your file system that can be copied from outside systems.

CAUTION: Make sure you don't enable sharing on file systems that contain sensitive information.

Files can now be transferred using the transfer.cpp program as part of SoundDrop from host_dest to host_src.

Above steps must be repeated for opposite direction communication.