- Finds properties using property listing apis to filter that fit a specific critera
- When the properties are found, estate agents are automatically emailed to arrange a viewing and details added to a google sheets spreadsheet
- Less than 1600/month
- More than 1300/month
- Has two or less bedrooms
- Within communting distance of london fields
- Added within the last day
- Garden
- Bike storage
- Floorplan
- Zoopla api
- AWS Lambda
- AWS SNS (for email)
- Google sheet api
- Email Templating with MJML
Documentation: https://developer.zoopla.co.uk/docs
Property listing: https://developer.zoopla.co.uk/docs/read/Property_listings
Arrange viewing: https://developer.zoopla.co.uk/docs/read/Arrange_Viewing
GET session id: https://api.zoopla.co.uk/api/v1/get_session_id.js?api_key=***
Amazon simple email service.
Documentation: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/latest/AWS/SES.html
Sending an email: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/latest/AWS/SES.html#sendEmail-property
install: yarn add mjml
Generate HTMl:
import mjml2html from 'mjml'
Compile an mjml string
const htmlOutput = mjml2html(
Hello World!
Print the responsive HTML generated and MJML errors if any
Documentation: https://mjml.io/documentation/#usage