
NFT Presale Website creaed with React, MUI v5, Ethers and deployed on Avax Fuji Testnet.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

NFT Presale Site Demo

This is a demo project showcasing a DEMO of NFT Presale. In this case this presale contract was used.


The presale demo consists of 5 types of cards as existing in the presale contract at the time of writing - each having their own price and mint limits. The site loads with a message prompt to install Metamask if not installed. If installed, the used needs to connect it. The site prompts for switching chain from any Chain to either Avalanche Mainnet c-chain or Fuji Testnet. After this the user can connect to the site by presssing the Connect button. This prompts them to sign a welcome messsage accepting terms. They can select from the range of NFTs available on the card. The Get Card Details button helps in getting the details of the cards with the amount sold in real time. Once selected, the user may choose to buy the card by click the Buy button which creates a metamask transaction.

Note: The user must have sufficient AVAX in their wallet to cover the NFT cost and gas fees. No error will me shown and the Buy button will simply not work otherwise. Ideally an error modal might be displayed but I haven't created that since this is just a demo.

Run the Project

To run the project,

  1. Install Node and NPM (preferrably the versions mentioned in the "engines" section of package.json).
  2. Clone the project and from the clonned directory run npm install.
  3. After installation finishes, run npm start.


Site Functioning


Viewport Responsiveness



The site was built using:

  1. ReactJS
  2. MUI v5
  3. EthersJs


The site was built by me. The contract was written by Peter Roy.