TheMealHub is an Online Food Recipe website where you can search your favorite food according to your taste.
React, JavaScript, Html, CSS, Chakra-UI
- Navigation Bar and Footer is well aligned.
- Fetching API for displaying the data.
- Meal Item is sorted in Alphabetical Order.
- Food of the Day section is provided where Random special food is give.
- Searching Functionality is also provided with certain Delay.
- Pagination Added in Meal Page
- Light And Dark Mode
Clone the Repository from Github. Then do the following steps:
npm install
npm run start
This is the landing page when user visits the website first.
The Data Related to Meals coming from an API. User can checkout various food items on this page.
A Random Food Recipe is displayed in this section and user can check it out.
This is the concluding page where some useful links to contact is provided.