Note App

A Simple Note Website where Users can create an account and then once they Signed in they are able to Add notes or make New Notes at same time. Then they can Delete those Notes. Users can also log back in on any Computer they want and access those Notes.

Introduction & Features

A Simple Note Website where Users can create an account and then once they Signed in they are able to Add notes or make New Notes at same time. Then they can Delete those Notes. Users can also log back in on any Computer they want and access those Notes.

  • Login and Log Out Option
  • Delete Note
  • Store Note in a Database
  • Access any Time

SetUp & Installation

  • Fork this repository and clone it.
  • Requirements : You can install the Python packages by using this command in the Command prompt:
  pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Run the Python File:
  • After that yor are good to proceed and enjoy the Demo of the App.


Home Page Sign Up Note Add

🛠 Tech Stack

  • Python
  • Bootstrap
  • Flask
  • SQLALchemy