
Quake3 Logfile Analyzer

Primary LanguagePHP


This process parses the Quake3 dedicated Server Logfiles, analyzes the entries and writes them into the database.

It was written and tested in Python2.7

The Frontend is a fully written Webfrontend to get the Database Content in a nice form. For Details read the info.txt in the frontend Directory.


Maybe the Systempackage python-db (python-mysqldb, ..) needs to be installed. (For using pip you need to install python-pip)

'aptitude install python-pip python-mysqldb'

Following python Packages need to be installed (with pip): pydaemon logger pymysql (or the Database you want to use) argparse sqlalchemy parse

'pip install pydaemon logger pymysql argparse sqlalchemy parse'
  • You have to create a Database.

  • Now call Quakealyzer and tell him to create the Database Structure in your empty Database: For example: ./run.py --createdatabase mysql://quakeuser:quakepassword@localhost/quakealyzerDB

  • Start Parsing process: ./run.py start --database mysql://quakeuser:quakepassword@localhost/quakealyzerDB --file /path/to/quake3_dedicated_server.log

  • Stop Parsting process: ./run.py stop

  • done (now you only need to configure the Frontend to get the Statistics viewed)

Database Connecting Syntax Examples:

sqlite:////absolute/path/to/sqlite.db mysql://username:password@hostname/mydatabase postgresql://username:password@localhost/mydatabase mssql+pymssql://username:password@hostname:port/dbname oracle://username:password@hostname:1521/sidname


Take a look into Frontend info.txt


For wishes, Bugs, Questions, write me a Message :-)


This Webpage is Open Source and can be used for any non commercial use cases. Its a Webfrontend for Quakealyzer Backend and uses it's Database.