- 2
Mistake in environment variable name
#235 opened by viastakhov - 1
unable to connect to AWS MSK clusters
#265 opened by margani007 - 3
- 5
- 3
Security Update
#244 opened by kobayashilin - 2
Failing to connect to GSSAPI/SSL cluster
#191 opened by sappo - 3
- 9
Initial run requires 2+ GB of RAM
#146 opened by midN - 2
"Unknown magic byte!" when deserializing avro message with TopicRecordNameStrategy
#231 opened by aeneasb - 4
- 1
- 2
- 3
Disable server host name verification
#221 opened by adrian-vlad - 13
SSL without truststore and truststore password
#144 opened by Vladutu - 3
Allow Filtering on Views Page
#214 opened by avina-z - 2
How to Build this as a Single Jar/War file to deploy in server which doesn't have MVN/JDK
#218 opened by ASurendar - 0
Consumer poll timeout is hardcoded
#216 opened by xakassi - 5
- 1
Expose actuator/health path without login
#209 opened by michaelliudl - 0
Selecting a Partition filter from a 'Stream' persists the partition as an enforced filter.
#212 opened by Crim - 15
Using Schema Registry Basic Auth
#188 opened by msdocs - 1
Repository with ID="orgsourcelab-1031" not found
#204 opened by redstorm1 - 0
use custom config.yml with docker
#203 opened by nsecrist - 1
On View page, the "previous button" jump is twice as big as the "next button" jump.
#197 opened by Delapouite - 1
helm chart
#168 opened by dano0b - 3
Cluster Kafka Consumer View for multiple topics
#184 opened by tomas12 - 2
- 1
Lets add warning log msgs when ignoring or overwriting user defined configuration values for deserializers
#189 opened by Crim - 4
Views' creation automation
#187 opened by bart182 - 7
How to configure Broker connection
#182 opened by castfe - 10
Websockets behind proxy don't work
#158 opened by midN - 5
- 2
API Usage
#163 opened by xstephen95x - 1
Batch file for release is incorrect
#160 opened by jjsullivan5196 - 1
Add groupSearchFilter property
#166 opened by BlueIcarus - 2
Unable to add custom formats on windows
#159 opened by BDeus - 0
Create documentation detailing how to run Kafka-webview behind a reverse proxy + prefixed URL
#155 opened by Crim - 4
- 4
Running Kafka Webview behind AWS ALB
#133 opened by sarunask - 9
search for topic
#142 opened by tomas12 - 4
Open stream behind reverse proxy
#143 opened by MisterTimn - 0
Add ability to Delete topics
#157 opened by Crim - 2
Ability to Customize LDAP integration
#147 opened by midN - 0
Create documentation for deploying onto AWS
#152 opened by Crim - 0
Create documentation for deplying onto IBM cloud
#153 opened by Crim - 0
- 4
#135 opened by mohamedaittaleb - 6
Allow for more control over consumer group used
#140 opened by donovanmuller - 8
Support running Kafka Webview behind reverse proxy
#136 opened by wkerckho - 0