
Blank Page

Opened this issue · 11 comments


I'm trying to install WebPanel 2.0. I've followed the CLI instructions posted on the GitHub wiki. However, for some reason, index.php is throwing a whitepage after install, and I'm unable to proceed from there.

Any help is appreciated, thanks!

Could you please create a new debug.php file with


and paste the result here?

Could you please create a new debug.php file with


and paste the result here?


display_errors Off

Please try enabling display errors and see if you see any errors.

enabling display errors

Just enabled it, and restarted apache. No error comes up on debug.php or index.php in the root for the webpanel.

Seems like your PHP version is not supported as per Laravel 5.0 requirements.
Try downgrading it to php 5.6 and give it a try.

Seems like your PHP version is not supported as per Laravel 5.0 requirements.
Try downgrading it to php 5.6 and give it a try.

Downgraded from 7.2 to 5.6 and still shows no errors/blank page.

Re-ran the following commands:

    php composer.phar install
    php artisan key:generate
    php artisan migrate

Still nothing :'(

When you downgraded, did you enable display errors and error reporting?

Going over your pastebin again, I don't see Mcrypt enabled anywhere. Make sure it's enabled and loaded.

Sorry I apologize, but the version 5.1 of Laravel (which is what webpanel uses) supports PHP 7.2 (I tried with PHP 7.3 and it worked.).

However, make sure these extensions are enabled:

  • OpenSSL PHP Extension
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • Mbstring PHP Extension
  • Tokenizer PHP Extension