
A mix build of reveal.js (with plugin) and demoit to have a easy to use slide template with code integration, web-browser and terminal

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

What is the purpose of the project ?

This repo is based on the work from the existing repo hakimel/reveal.js and dgageot/demoit.

While in the need to use a reveal.js which support terminal integration, I expected to use demoit to solve this need. However, I met numerous issues while trying to include a terminal into reveal.js, and at least as much troubles when trying to build the slides with demoit.

Thus I mixed both to an "easier" solution in regards of my urging needs.

The actual solution is a reveal.js presentation, including a reveal.js plugin for code sample integration (sampler.js). I added the demoit.js library to take benefit of its html components web-browser and, mainly, web-terminal, but slightly modified it to not use the initialy expected endpoint from demoit. Instead, this version is expected to run coupled with a local instance of web-term.js.

This version is expected to offers simplest customization than allowed by demoit, as the stack is mainly based on reveal.js

How to run the slides

As its based on reveal.js, building and launching the slides follow the same process :

  • build with
npm install
  • starts with
npm start

But, to use the terminal integration you should install and run web-term too:

npm install --global web-term
  • to run it with fish
web-term -p 3000 -b fish

or with zsh

web-term -p 3000 -b zsh

(default shell is bash)