
Anonymize django database. Big-data anonymizer. Preply team.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


dj_anonymizer requires Django 1.8 or greater and Python 2.7 (not support Python 3). This project helps anonymize production database with fake data of any kind.

dj_anonymizer uses django-bulk-update lib to be able to process huge massive of data.


$ pip install dj_anonymizer

Add dj_anonymizer to INSTALLED_APPS in settings:

    # ...
    # ...

Basic example

For example you have django project with app my_app and models.py file:

class Author(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    birth_date = models.DateField(blank=True, null=True)

class Book(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    authors = models.ManyToManyField(Author)

You want to anonymize authors' names. So you can set all names as "Jon Dou (n)".

To anonymize your models go through the following steps:

  • Create file e.g. anonymization.py in my_app.
  • Add ANONYMIZER_IMPORTS to project settings and set path to anonymization.py file:
  • In anonymization.py file:
from dj_anonymizer import register_anonym, register_skip, AnonymBase, anonym_field
from my_app import Author, Book

class AuthorAnonym(AnonymBase):
   name = anonym_field.string("Jon Dou {seq}")
   class Meta:
       exclude_fields = ["birth_date"]

register_anonym(Author, AuthorAnonym)

  • Run $ manage.py anonymize_db


You must specify all models and all their fields in dj_anonymizer. This helps you to avoid the situation when something has changed in your project models (e.g. some fields with sensitive data were added) and you forget to clean or fake them.

Model registration

from dj_anonymizer import register_anonym, register_skip, register_clean

  • register_anonym(model, cls_anonym) - register models for anonymization
    • model - model class
    • cls_anonym - anonymization class, inherited form AnonymBase
  • register_clean(model, cls_anonym=None) - register models which should be cleaned
    • model - model class
    • cls_anonym - anonymization class, specified queryset of data which must be deleted. If cls_anonym=None, all model data will be deleted.
  • register_skip(*args) - list of models which dj_anonymizer will skip.

Data anonymization

Anonymization class must be inherited from AnonymBase. Anonymization class contains attributes mapped to model fields. Also anonymization class may contain class Meta where you can specify queryset and excluded fields.


from datetime import datetime

from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.contrib.auth.hashers import make_password

from dj_anonymizer import register_anonym, AnonymBase, anonym_field
from faker import Factory

# using faker lib for generating nice names
fake = Factory.create()

# create anonymizer class
class UserAnonym(AnonymBase):
   last_name = anonym_field.function(fake.last_name)
   first_name = anonym_field.function(fake.first_name)
   email = anonym_field.string("test_email_{seq}@preply.com", seq_callback=datetime.now)
   username = anonym_field.string("user_name{seq}")
   is_staff = False
   password = make_password("some_test_password", hasher="sha1")

   class Meta:
       queryset = User.objects.exclude(id=1)  # queryset, anonymize all users except the first one
       exclude_fields = ["groups", "user_permissions", "is_active", "is_superuser",
                         "last_login", "date_joined"]  # list of fields which will not be changed

register_anonym(User, UserAnonym)

In class Meta you can specify queryset and exclude_fields:

  • queryset - model queryset to which anonymization will be applied. If you don't specify this attribute, anonymization will be applied to all rows of model (like MyModel.objects.all())
  • exclude_fields - list of model fields which should not be anonymized

dj_anonymizer provides certain helpful field types for anonymization classes:

  • anonym_field.function(callback, args=(), kwargs=None) - result of execution of callback function will be set to the model field. callback function will be called for every record of your model.

    • callback - function which will generate data for the model
    • args - tuple of args for callback
    • kwargs - dict of args for callback
  • anonym_field.string(field_value, seq_start=0, seq_step=1, seq_callback=None, seq_args=(), seq_kwargs=None, seq_slugify=True) - generate string for every record of the model.

    • field_value - string which will be set to field. It may contain {seq} parameter which will be replaced by sequence value (e.g. "username_{seq}" will generate username_1, username_2 etc.)
    • seq_start - value of sequence start
    • seq_step - step of sequence
    • seq_callback - function which will generate data for {seq} parameter in string (e.g. ("test_email_{seq}@preply.com", seq_callback=datetime.now))
    • seq_args - tuple of args for seq_callback
    • seq_kwargs - dict of kwargs for seq_callback
    • seq_slugify - flag, slugify or not result of execution of seq_callback

Clean data

Register your model with register_clean.

Example 1 - delete all data from model User

from django.contrib.auth.models import User

from dj_anonymizer import register_clean


Example 2 - delete all data from model User, except user with id=1:

from django.contrib.auth.models import User

from dj_anonymizer import AnonymBase, register_clean

class UserAnonym(AnonymBase):
    class Meta:
        queryset = User.objects.exclude(id=1)

register_clean(User, UserAnonym)

Run dj_anonymizer

  • $ manage.py dj_anonymizer

    run anonymization and clean models which have been registered.

  • $ manage.py dj_anonymizer --soft_mode

    run anonymization and clean models. Exception (not all project models are registered) will not be raised that.

  • $ manage.py dj_anonymizer --action clean

    run only delete data

  • $ manage.py dj_anonymizer --action anonymize

    run only anonymization data


  • ANONYMIZER_IMPORTS - list of path to *.py files where you register models for anomymization.

  • ANONYMIZER_SKIP_APPS - list of apps of your django project that you don't want to anonymize.

  • ANONYMIZER_SELECT_BATCH_SIZE - default value is 20000.

  • ANONYMIZER_UPDATE_BATCH_SIZE - default value is 500.