
Get all the team member info from a Slack team

Primary LanguagePython


Get all the team member info from a Slack team


ensure you have node

If you don't that's a shame => with nvm go here => old school here

ensure you have python 2.7 (at least)

Go here

install dependencies for the project

npm install

log out of the Slack teams you're about to scrape

We're now ready to go!

Step 1 => configure the scraper

Open lib/scraper.js and:

input your email and password to log in

.type('input[id="email"]', 'EMAIL') 
.type('input[id="password"]', 'PASSWORD')

input the slack team you want to scrape



Step 2 => run the scraper

node lib/scraper.js 


This creates a couple pictures in debug to ensure everything went smoothly


The scraper outputs a raw html in ./data called 'slack_team.html' which contains all the goodness you're looking for

Step 3 => parse the html to get a clean csv

python lib/html_parse.py 

this outputs a csv file '/output/slack_scrape.csv' text qualified.



are welcome!