
Prepare for Physics MSc exams

Albert Einstein

I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.

Classical mechanics

Newton's law

  • Plane polar form of position, velocity and accelaration
  • Collision and linear momentum conservation

Non-inertial forces aka pseudo force

  • Fictitious forces
    • Centrifugal
    • Coriolis force
    • Azimuthal force
  • Cools facts due to Coriolis force:
    • Effect on weather in Earth Earth
    • Bands of Jupyter due to high angular speed than the Earth. Jupyter
    • Simple pendulum can't stay in a plane. It changes the plane of motion. Faucault pendulum
  • Science behind tides

Central force

  • Newton Gravitional problem(inverse square law, $V(r) = -\frac{\alpha}{r^2}$)(Klepler's problem )(Eccentricity $e = \sqrt{1+\frac{2EL^2}{m\alpha^2}}$)
  • Effective potential, $V_{eff}(r) = \frac{L^2}{2mr^2} + V(r)$
  • Three Conserved quatity
    • Energy
    • Angular momentum
    • Runge-Lenz Vector($\vec A =$ constant vector)(for inverse square law $\vec A = \vec p \times \vec L - m \alpha \hat r$)
  • Cool problems in Central force field
    • Captaring cross-section
    • Scattering in a central force field

All about rigid body motion

  • Torque and angular momentum
  • Moment of inertia
  • Ellipsoid of inertia $$I = I_{xx}\cos^2\alpha + I_{yy}\cos^2\beta + I_{zz}\cos^2\gamma + 2I_{xy}\cos\alpha\cos\beta + 2 I_{yz}\cos\beta\cos\gamma + 2I_{zx}\cos\gamma\cos\alpha$$
  • Euler equation
$$\begin{bmatrix}\tau_1 \\ \tau_2 \\ \tau_3 \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix}I_1\dot\omega_1 + (I_3 - I_2)\omega_2 \omega_3 \\ I_2\dot\omega_2 + (I_1 - I_3)\omega_1 \omega_3 \\ I_3\dot\omega_3 + (I_2 - I_1)\omega_1 \omega_2 \end{bmatrix}$$
  • Free symetric top spin(Chandler Wobble of earth) Earth is wobble

Special theory of relativity

  • Kinematics
  • Dynamics
  • STR and eletro-magnetism

Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics

  • Euler Lagrange equation
    • From D'Alembert's principle
    • From Stationary-action principle
  • Legendre transformation
  • Hamiltonian
  • Advanced topics:
    • Noether's theorem:For each symmetry of the Lagrangian, there is a conserved quantity.
      • Homogeneity of space $\rightarrow$ conservation of linear momentum
      • Isotropy of space $\rightarrow$ conservation of angular momentum
      • Time invarience $\rightarrow$ conservation of energy

Classical Electrodynamics

Math for Electrodynamics

  • Dirac Delta

Some cool problem can be dealt with Dirac delta function


  • Coulomb's Law
  • Electric Field
  • Gauss's Law
  • Electric Potential
  • Electrostatic Boundary Conditions
  • Work & Energy in Electrostatics
  • Conductors
  • Laplace's Equation
  • Boundary Conditions & Uniqueness Theorem
  • The Method of Images
  • Multipole Expansion
  • Dielectrics & Polarization
  • Field of a Polarized Object
  • Gauss's Law in Presence of Dielectrics
  • Boundary Conditions
  • Linear Dielectrics
  • Energy in Dielectric Systems
  • Forces on Dielectrics


  • The Lorentz Force Law
  • The Biot-Savart Law
  • The Divergence and Curl of B
  • Magnetic Vector Potential
  • Magnetostatic Boundary Conditions
  • Multipole Expansion of The Vector Potential
  • Magnetization
  • Torques and Forces on Magnetic Dipoles
  • The Field of a Magnetized Object
  • The Auxiliary Field H
  • Ampere's law in Magnetized Materials * Boundary Conditions
  • Linear and Nonlinear Media
    • Magnetic Susceptibility and Permeability
    • Ferromagnetism


  • Electromotive Force
    • Ohm's Law
    • Electromotive Force
    • Motional emf
  • Electromagnetic Induction
    • Faraday's Law
    • The Induced Electric Field
    • Inductance
    • Energy in Magnetic Fields
  • Maxwell's Equations
    • Electrodynamics Before Maxwell
    • How Maxwell Fixed Ampere's Law
    • Maxwell's Equations
    • Magnetic Charge
    • Maxwell's Equations in Matter
    • Boundary Conditions




  • Solid state physics
  • Diode
  • Transistor


  • Sequential

    • Clock
    • Flipflop
    • Register
  • Combinational

Mathematical Physics



Differential equation

Complex analysis

Vector analysis

Linear algebra

  • Eigen value & Eigen vector


Wave Optics

Huygen's principle: each point of a wavefront is a source of secondary disturbance and the wavelets emanating from these points spread out in all directions with the speed of the wave. The envelope of these wavelets gives the shape of the new wavefront.

  • Interference
    • Division of wavefront
      • Young's double slit experiment
      • Lloyd's mirror
      • Fresnel biprism
      • Fresnel two mirror
    • Division of amplitude
      • Thin flim interference
      • Newton's ring
      • Michelson's interferometer
    • Multiple beam interferometer
      • Febry-Perot interferometry
  • Diffraction
    • Fraunhofer diffraction
    • Fresnel diffraction
  • Polarization

Matrix method in optics(ray optics)

  • The heart:
    • Translational matrix
    $$\begin{bmatrix}\lambda_2 \\ y_2 \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix}1 & 0 \\ \frac{L}{n} & 1 \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix}\lambda_1 \\ y_1 \end{bmatrix}$$
    • Refraction matrix
    $$\begin{bmatrix}\lambda_2 \\ y_2 \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix}1 & \frac{n_1 - n_2}{R} \\ 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix}\lambda_1 \\ y_1 \end{bmatrix}$$
  • Consequence from system of lens
    • Unit planes and nodal plane
    • Establish the lens maker formula
  • Thin lens
    • Equivalent focus of two thin lenses


  • Oscilations
    • Simple Pendulum
    • Damped oscillator
    • Forced oscillator
  • Wave on a string

Kinetic theory of gas and Thermodynamics

Kinetic theory of gas

  • Maxwell's distribution
  • Einstein brownian motion


Modern physics

Quantum Mechanics

QM history(Famous experiments)

  • Quantization of light
    • Black-body radiation; Rayleigh-Jeans law
    • Photoelectric effect
    • Crompton effect
    • Bohr model and atomic spectra

De Broglie's hypothesis brings the particle and wave theory into two sides of a same coin!

  • Wave charecter of electron(i.e, matter wave)
    • Davisson-Germer experiment

Modern QM(i.e, from Schrödinger equation)

  • Hisenberg uncertainty principle
  • Boundary-value problems(1D problems)
    • Infinite square well
    • Step-potential
      • Tunneling effect

Nuclear physics

Statistical mechanics