
Trying out flutter hooks

Primary LanguageC++


A new Flutter project.


Simple state management

Create a simple state management with counter app


  • Simply increase the state on tap and update the rendering real time
  • React like hook, reduce time to write life cycle function
  • The widget must extends from HookWidget
  • Hooks can only be declare in the build method

Seem like a bit slow on useState. Because under the hood the state value is ValueNotifier and when it changes, it also calls setState

Medium state management


  • useEffect works as expected. It will run on every render only when any of the dependencies​ changes theirs value.
  • If you want to update state of useState that hold array value, you need to do it with spread. E.g.:
      numbers.value = [
  • Use useTextEditingController to create an instance of TextEditingController. It's self disposed. Great for reusable. Can create a custom hook out of it.