Coursera-Deep Learning by Andrew Ng

Course 01: Neural Networks and Deep Learning

  • Neural network, binary classification, logistic regression, Gradient descent, Vectorization
  • Python basics wiht numpy, broadcasting
  • Understanding Neural network representation, Activation functions and their derivatives, backpropagation, random initialization
  • Deep L-layer network, forward propagation, parameters and hyperparameters
  • Buildin a deep neural network step by step
Programming Assignments:
Research papers that are discussed:
  • N/A

Course 02: Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter tuning, Regularization and Optimization

  • Train/test/dev set and bias, variance
  • Regularization: overfitting, underfitting, droupout
  • Gradient checking: vanishing/exploding gradients
  • Understanding mini-batch gradient descent, bias correction, RMSprop
  • Adam optimization, Learning rate decay,
  • Hyperperameter tunning process, Batch normalization, Softmax regression
  • Understanding deep learning framworks: Tensorflow
Programming Assignments:
Research papers that are discussed:
  • N/A

Course 03: Structuring Machine Learning Projects

  • Machine Learning strategy: Train/test/dev set distribution
  • Comparing human level performance: Avoidable bias
  • Error Analysis: Mismatched training dev/test
  • Transfer learning, Multitask learning, End-to-end deep learning
  • Machine Learning flight simulator
Programming Assignments:
  • [Week 01: N/A]

  • [Week 02: N/A]

Research papers that are discussed:
  • N/A

Course 04: Convolutional Neural Networks

  • The basics of computer vision, edge detection, padding, stride, filter, pooling layer
  • Build a simple one layer convolutional network
  • ResNets, Inception network, Transfer learning, Data augmentation
  • Building a Residual networks
  • Object detection, IOU, bounding box prediction, non-max suppression, YOLO algorithm, Detection algorithm
  • Face recognition and verification: siamese network, triplet loss
  • Neural style transfer
Programming Assignments:
Research papers that are discussed:

Course 05: Sequence Models

  • Build a Recurrent Neural Networks(RNN) using Gated Recurrent Unit(GRU) and Long Short Term Memory(LSTM)
  • Word Embeddings: word2vec and GloVe word vectors
  • Solve NLP problems: Text analysis / Sentiment Analysis
  • Sequence to sequence architecture: Beam search, Bleu score, Attention model
  • Speech recognition
Programming Assignments:
Research papers that are discussed:

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