DSTA Brainhack XRperience 2024

Team: Spa Day

Application: FireDay

Team members


FireDay is a Virtual Reality Application which aims to raise fire safety awareness to the general public. With FireDay, users can conveniently learn about different fire safety skills and knowledge at the comfort of their own home. The interactive design offers users a unique opportunity to put into practice the skills they've learned. Our goal is to address fire safety concerns and promote greater awareness within the community.

Installation Instructions

This application is developed for Meta Quest 2, Meta Quest 3 and Meta Quest Pro.

To get started, follow the steps below:

  1. Install SideQuest on your personal computer.
  2. Download the APK file from Github.
  3. Use SideQuest to upload the APK file to Oculus Quest.
  4. Run the APK file.

Development tools used

This application is created using Unity, and the models is created using Blender.


No licensing was used for this project.