This git repository has three files:
- - this file
- run_analysis.r - an R script used to clean and "tidy" [1] raw human activity data
- - a markdown document containing descriptions of the input, transformations, and output data referred to in run_analysis.r
Before running "run_analysis.R", you'll need:
- a working installation of R
- installed packages:
- dplyr, version >= 0.2 (tested using v0.4.3)
- a copy of the raw human activity data collected by Anguita et al. [2]
- This can be found at:
To set up your R environment before running the script, make sure that both the run_analysis.R script and the raw data (in a sub-directory named "UCI HAR Dataset") are both in your working directory. For example:
./ (working directory)
UCI HAR Dataset/
Finally, run the R script, which will do the following:
- Read in the X (measurement), Y (activity), and subject datasets for both the train and test partitions.
- Merge the 6 datasets above into a single dataset
- Re-label the activities using meaningful descriptions instead of coded values.
- Remove some of the measurement variables (any that aren't the mean or standard deviation).
- Add meaningful variable names, based on the "features.txt" metadata included with the original datasets. - Measurement variable names are abbreviated, to avoid being too long. - Some of the variable names appear to have included typos (e.g. "BodyBody") which have been corrected.
- Create two datasets in the working directory: 1. har_tidy.txt - the "tidy" dataset, with mean and std. deviations of measurements, along with identifying information about each set of measurements. 2. har_summary.txt - a second "tidy" dataset, this one containing the average measurements by subject and activity.
For more information on the contents of these datasets, see the included
[1] Wickham, H. Tidy Data. Retrieved October 25, 2015, from
[2] Davide Anguita, Alessandro Ghio, Luca Oneto, Xavier Parra and Jorge L. Reyes-Ortiz. A Public Domain Dataset for Human Activity Recognition Using Smartphones. 21th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning, ESANN 2013. Bruges, Belgium 24-26 April 2013.