
a repo containing resources for SpaceApps

Space Apps 2016 Challenge Resources

Use the following resources to supplement your solutions to each Space Apps challenge! Each challenge appears in one of six categories: Technology, Aeronautics, Space Station, Solar System, Earth, or Journey to Mars. Contact the challenge owners from the Space Apps challenge website for clarifications. These resources are also listed and discoverable through NASA's catalog of publicly-available datasets, APIs, and visualizations available at https://api.nasa.gov/ and https://data.nasa.gov/. Also consider searching https://code.nasa.gov/#/ and https://software.nasa.gov/advancedsearch.


###Jet Set Mars

###Print My Rocket

###Backfill My Model

###Origami Space Recycled


###Don't Crash My Drone

###Clouds or Contrails

###Clear for Take Off

###Low Boom


###Launch: A Global Experience

###Rock-IT Space Fashion and Design


###Virtual Auroras


###Book it to the Moon

###Near Earth Object Machine Learning

###Asteroid Mining

###Vesta Revealed

###Open World Generation Using NASA Mars and Vesta Data


If you’d like to use NASA Earth data with Google Maps, you’ll want to use the Global Imagery Browse Services (GIBS): https://wiki.earthdata.nasa.gov/display/GIBS/

There is some sample code on how to use GIBS with Google Maps and other mapping libraries: https://github.com/nasa-gibs/gibs-web-examples

The data format is not always the same across all NASA Earth data products, though HDF is one of the more common formats. You can see a list of them here: https://earthdata.nasa.gov/user-resources/standards-and-references. and can see a list of data tools here: https://earthdata.nasa.gov/earth-observation-data/tools

If you’re trying to insert data values into a database, we suggest starting with Level 3 data products as they are usually gridded and available globally. See here for a description of data processing levels: http://science.nasa.gov/earth-science/earth-science-data/data-processing-levels-for-eosdis-data-products/

###Sea Ice App

###Geotagging Space and Aviation

###eMobile Pastoralism



###Earth Live


###Space Recreation


###Space Route 66