
A Discord bot that scrapes data from store websites, alerting you the instant an item of interest becomes available.

Primary LanguageJava


A Discord bot programming with java, that scrapes data from store websites, alerting you the instant an item of interest becomes available.


The scarse availability of GPUs is down to the global chip shortage and the increased population of crypto miners. It has become seemingly impossible to acquire a GPU at a sensible price (MSRP), due to crypto miners and scalpers buying up stock. Therefore, I developed a program that would alert real buyers the moment a GPU comes into stock.

Currently setup for NVIDIAs & AMDs GPU store pages.

The alert sent:
Screenshot 2022-01-08 at 16 23 47

Stock that is being checked:
Screenshot 2022-01-08 at 16 24 14

Log history of items selling out: