
A flask extension for collect every REAL request performance metrics

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


How It Works

A Flask extension to monitoring every REAL api request and collect it's performance in REAL-time.✨ 🍰 ✨

The world is powered by APIs. But how API works, are they work as expected? are they handle request fast enough? we don't know actually at most time.

That's why we need a more deeper monitor about APIs. And here we are to solve this prolem.

1、Install by pip

pip install flask-performance

2、Generate DSN

Go to https://status.spacebox.fun, sign up or login. Create a new project or new team (if you are working in a company, we highly recommend you create Team first and put every project into the Team afterward)

And after suceccfully create a project, you are given a DSN url, which is the API your project performance data will send to.



3、Setup & configuration in your Flask project

from flask import Flask
from flask_performance import PerformanceCollector

app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['METRIC_DSN'] = 'https://metrics.spacebox.fun/v1/collector/c5b35bc078844a59a15dd506e08f3ae6'

pc = PerformanceCollector(app)

# or by init_app() when you use factory pattern to creat flask app
app = create_app()
app.config['METRIC_DSN'] = 'https://metrics.spacebox.fun/v1/collector/c5b35bc078844a59a15dd506e08f3ae6'

pc = PerformanceCollector()

You can also put METRIC_DSN into your project config.py file and use Flask's from_pyfile.

in your config.py file

METRIC_DSN = 'https://metrics.spacebox.fun/v1/collector/c5b35bc078844a59a15dd506e08f3ae6'

in your project app.py file


And, That's ALL, just go to your https://status.spacebox.fun platform to check your project all API performance stats data in real-time.

4、Performance problem

Chance is that you will ask: Will this performance collector affect my project's performance ?

the short answer is: yes.

BUT, the affects is limit maximus to 500ms. We set the timeout to 500ms when send the performance data to the API.

And we implemented this API in a asynchronous way, which means when we receive your project performance data every time we will response immediately and throw the save performance data task to a task queue (which is Celery). In most case, the API will reponse under 100ms.

5、OK,we know you are curious about how it works, here it is

How It Works