
CDN Trace Dataset

The real-world CDN trace used in the paper is published here, hoping to stimulate more studies focusing on efficient content distribution in futuristic space-terrestrial integrated networks.

The trace was collected from an nanonymous commercial cloud CDN operator on February 22-28, 2015, containing 3.9 million flow records in total. Some details of the trace include:

Parameter Value
# of Total Requests 3,998,185
# of Total Bytes Requested 4137 TB
50th/90th Obj Size 256KB / 1.3 GB
Duration 7 days (February 22-28, 2015)

Dataset Format

The requests are given in time order and all the privacy-related information was ommitted.

Each request in the dataset is given in a comma-separated format with 5 columns:

  • Seq : The sequence number of the request in this dataset, starting from 0.
  • Timestamp: The time when the request was issued, given in UTC timestamp format.
  • ObjectID: The unique object ID of the content requested.
  • Size: The size of the content requested, given in B (Byte).
  • TimeToComplete: The time spent to complete the content request, given in s (second).

The first five requests are given as example (no column name information was included in the dataset):

Seq Timestamp ObjectID Size TimeToComplete
0 1424534404 0x6cc00e85eacfc56c 31929800 111
1 1424534409 0xf2e79b2ae42ea5b 833462272 658
2 1424534411 0x8b4c8304587a4ad5 1048576000 10070
3 1424534412 0x536cf07acc3eeb9d 9217283 98
4 1424534413 0xc48b2b9b7b00e2f3 649075360 1892

Dataset Download

The dataset is available here: download link.

Note that a few illegal records were erased, for the convenience of the dataset users, and thus some details of the public download version may not perfectly match with what stated above.