
Dart source for deoplete using the Dart Analysis Server

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Dart source for deoplete.nvim using analysis_server.


Asynchronous Dart completion for Neovim. This is based on the work done for YCM support in cbracken/ycmd with zchee/deoplete-go used as an example deoplete source.

This is a very simplistic implementation with basically no error checking and only the most basic completion pulled out of the analysis server. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK



Dark powered asynchronous completion framework for neovim.
Fastetst, Fully asynchronous, Nonblocking user interface, Customizable source for each languages, and more.
The Nextgen word completion.



A long-running process that provides analysis results to other tools.

The analysis server is designed to provide on-going analysis of one or more code bases as those code bases are changing.


Recommended installation with the plugin manager of your choice.

" vim-plug
Plug 'Shougo/deoplete.nvim'
Plug 'villainy/deoplete-dart', { 'for': 'dart' }