
Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Signal is an API for adding redstone-like blocks.

Information for mod developers

While the Signal API does not add any tools for adding custom blocks in general, it abstracts the concept of redstone power and handles the interactions between different signal types.

If you wish to use the signal API for your own custom redstone-like blocks, you can add it as a dependency to your project.

  • In build.gradle add the following to the repositories { } section:
repositories {
	maven {
		url "https://api.modrinth.com/maven"
		content {
			includeGroup "maven.modrinth"
  • In build.gradle add the following to the dependencies { } section:
dependencies {
	modImplementation "maven.modrinth:signal:${project.signal_version}"
  • Define the version of Signal you are using in gradle.properties, for example:
  • If you wish to create your own custom signal and/or wire types, you should bootstrap them in your mod's initializer. Custom signal types can be registered through SignalTypes#register while custom wire types can be registered through WireTypes#register.

  • A block's signal behavior is controlled by implementing methods from the SignalBlockBehavior interface. Signal source blocks should implement the isSignalSource method, analog signal source blocks should implement the isAnalogSignalSource method, signal consumer blocks should implement the isSignalConsumer method, custom signal conductors should implement the isSignalConductor method (by default vanilla redstone conductors will conduct signals of any type), and custom wire blocks should implement the isWire method.

  • Signal type equality should be checked through the SignalType#is method, this is to allow the use of SignalTypes.ANY to capture any and all signal types.

  • Wire type equality should be checked through the WireType#is method, this is to allow the use of WireTypes.ANY to capture any and all wire types.

  • If your signal source block only emits one type of signal, you can implement the BasicSignalSource interface to offload the work of dealing with signal types. Similarly, the BasicAnalogSignalSource, BasicSignalConsumer, and BasicWire interfaces can be used for custom analog signal source blocks, signal consumer blocks, and wire blocks respectively.

  • All of the vanilla methods for querying emitted and received power are deprecated, and the methods declared in SignalLevel should be used instead. If your block implements the BasicSignalConsumer interface, you can call the helper methods it defines to offload the work of dealing with signal types.