
Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Promptus Imperii

The new website of the Promptus Imperii study association.


This website is built on the following libraries/frameworks are used in this project:

  • Hugo (uses Golang Templates).
  • A heavily edited version of Hugoplate, which uses:
    • A few components (see go.mod), mainly hugo-modules. A fork is used from the main version due to this.
    • The pages have been changed to suit the needs of the study association.
    • All tracking has been stripped out.
    • A signup page was added (see the backend project).
  • Tailwind with a few plug-ins (see tailwind.config.js)
  • Some build tools to build the Tailwind CSS.
  • The hosting uses Coolify.


  • Install any NPM-like package manager: since it is only used for building Tailwind and launching scripts, you can probably use any package manager (NPM, Bun, Yarn, etc.). Just make sure to use the latest (LTS) version.
  • To run the website locally, run npm run dev or equivalent.
  • To build the website, run npm run build or equivalent.

Developing with the backend

When testing the backend, start the backend by following the instructions on that repo. Change the following variables:

Tip: use http://www.randomiban.com/?country=Netherlands to test with IBAN numbers.

Make sure to not commit these changes!



  • npm update and test the website. TODO: Migrate to masonary layout when it is stable.


  • go get -u -all and test the endpoint by submitting a form with the frontend.


Check every once in a while if the dependencies are still maintained and switch to updated ones where possible (especially with the backend).

Adding new activity posts

  • Adding a new activity happens in two folders: content/nl/activities and assets/images/activities.
  • To create a new activity post: use the template provided below or copy an existing file in the linked content folder. Warning: folder and file names may not contain capital letters. Use the yyyy-mm-dd-my-activity template to prevent duplicate activity entries over time and allow for sorting the files by date.
  • To add pictures: create a folder with the same name as the corresponding file in the linked assets folder. All of the activity's images are placed here. To force a specific image order in the gallery: prefix the filenames with N__ where N indicates the position of an image. Downscale de foto's eerst naar 1080p als ze 4k zijn (gebruik bijv. https://imageresizer.com/), om de grootte van de Git repo laag te houden (without Git Large File Storage). Comprimeer ze hier niet! Dit doet de website zelf al.
  • When finished: start the website and check if
    • The gallery works
    • Pictures are not rotated*
    • The tag overview is correct and does not contain duplicate entries
    • The dates are correct
    • Any links are working
  • When making significant changes to the template: make sure to update it everywhere using a text replacement tool.

*Als een foto gedraaid is heeft dat te maken met deze en deze bug. Oplossing is simpel: draai een paar keer de foto met een foto-edit programma (denk niet te moeilijk: pak Windows Photos of iets dergelijks) en draai de foto een paar keer. Als de rotation metadata veranderd is en de foto klopt, is het gefixt.

Activity template

# Title shown at the top of the page.
title: "My Activity"
# Not directly shown to users, but used by search engines to index the website for example.
description: "A description of my activity."
# Date must be in the form yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss ('T' separates the date and time), a time of 00:00:00 will only display the date
date: 2023-09-01T00:00:00
# This path is relative to the assets folder. Create a folder that is assets/images/activities/file-name
# IMPORTANT! The file name/folder name may not contain capital letters!
image_folder: "images/activities/yyyy-mm-dd-my-activity"
# Use the original file name and prepend N__, where N is the order in which you want the image to show in the gallery. Make sure to downscale 4k images to 1080p to keep the size of the git repo manageable. Only use the .jp(e)g, .png and .gif file formats.
image: "1__20230901_151607.jpg"
# Don't forget capital letters in the categories and tags. Also check all categories and tags by loading the activities page and looking at the list.
categories: ["Lezing"]
# Tags are more specific than categories, and are currently only used for sponsor/partner names
tags: ["MyCompany"]
# If this is set to true, the content is not published
draft: false

Write about your activity here!

Another line with my conclusion.