
Cookiecutter template for a Python3 package using pyproject.toml

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

Pyproject.toml Package Cookiecutter

A minimal cookiecutter template for Python packages leveraging the pypackage.toml configuration file along with a standardized set of development tools.

Based heavily on the cookiecutter-package-minimal template.


pip install cookiecutter
git clone https://github.com/Spacecow99/pyproject-package.git
cookiecutter pyproject-package/



The minimally supported Python version is set to Python3.7 by default.


Package dependencies along with any tool configurations should be defined using the pyproject.toml file format. This helps cut down on the number of non-source files within the repository.


Flit is used as the build-system for the package. Note that this comes with certain limitations, especially for a package that depends on C bindings.


Linting is performed with pylint using the Google Python Styleguide as a base. Styleguide defined within pyproject.toml should override any system/user pylint settings.


Black is used for formatting should there be a requirement to enforce a standardized code structure/form.


Sphinx is used to configure and build any external package documentation. All documentation should be markdown format except for inline code documentation.

In addition to the core Sphinx extensions, several others listed below are also configured.


The myst-parser extension is used to enable Sphinx to build markdown format documentation.

ReadTheDocs Theme

Sphinx should use the ReadTheDocs theme to provided consistent documentation look and feel whether the documentation is local or hosted on rtd.


Bandit is used as a rudementary security scanner to detect potential security defects during local development.


Pytest is the testing framework used for building test cases.


Tox is used to manage package tests across different python versions.