
Search the ExploitDB with a little more control

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A command-line script to provide fine grain search queries to specific fields in the exploit-database.


An alternative to the original searchsploit script that provides a finer level of control as well as verbose output for help find where your searches are going wrong. The search logic searches by author => date => platform => type => port => description. Searchsploit2 also supports updating your local exploit-database CSV copy and mimicks the output format of the original searchsploit script.


searchsploit2 [-h] [--file PATH] [--author AUTHOR] [--date YYYY-MM-DD]
[--platform PLATFORM] [--type TYPE] [--port PORT] [--description TERM]
[--update] [--verbose] [--version]
Argument Description
-h, --help Display help message and exit
--file, -f PATH Path to exploit-db CSV file.
--author, -a AUTHOR Search for exploit author's name.
--date, -d YYYY-MM-DD Search for exploits published on YYYY-MM-DD.
--platform, -o PLATFORM Search exploits by platform / OS.
--type, -t TYPE Search by exploit type.
--port, -p PORT Search exploits by affected port number.
--description, -d TERM Search exploit description for term.
--update, -u Update local copy of exploit-db and exit.
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output to track troublesome queries.
--version Show program's version number and exit.


python3 searchsploit2.py --platform windows --type remote --description MS08-067
python3 searchsploit2.py -v -o plan9 -t remote
python3 searchsploit2.py --date 2014-01-01 -p 80
python3 searchsploit2.py --author TurboBorland --file ~/.searchsploit2/files.csv


Currently the search functionality does not accept regular expressions such as " * ", this feature may be implemented in the future. Please report any additional issues found to https://github.com/Spacecow99/searchsploit/issues.