
CERN Open Hardware Licence Version 2 - PermissiveCERN-OHL-P-2.0

CosmicLSM - An ESP32-C3 based custom SlimeVR PCB

Board Image


  • Currently untested!
  • Designed for handsoldering, BOM contains parts that are "extended" on JLC, or straight up not present
  • CPL file not tested at all
  • See "Outputs/" for production files
  • IMUs that are compatible :
    • BMI160
    • BMI270
    • BMI323(?)
    • LSM6DSV
    • LSM6DSV16X
    • ICM-40608
    • Potentially more, but there will be no firmware support, even for some of the ones listed above
  • Special thanks to Gorbit99 and wigwagwent for their help with making this <3