




The Docker containers are used to run the API and the database. You will have to run the flutter mobile and wep app separately on your local machine.

  1. Clone the repository
  2. (Optional) Add compose.override.yml to override the default compose configuration
  3. Run make start
  4. Run make db-fixtures to load the database with fixtures (under development)
  5. Go to http://localhost:5000 to access Golang API

After the first run, you can use make stop & make up to quickly stop and start the containers. All the available commands are listed in the Makefile, you can use make or make help to list them all. Read the commands section for more information.

if you want to reset the database, you can use make db-reset it will remove the database and create a new one and load migrations, you will have to run make db-fixtures again to load the database with fixtures.


All the services used by the project.


Some services are only available in dev. They will never be used in production or even test environments.

Service name Host Aliases Ports Description
api localhost:5000 fd-api The Golang API
postgres fd-postgres The database used by the API.
adminer localhost:8080 fd-adminer Used to manage PostgreSQL easily. Only available in dev.


We use simple username/password for development purposes.

Service Username Password
adminer, postgres root root



All the commands are available in the Makefile. You can use make or make help to list all the available commands. If you want to add a new command, please add it to the Makefile and document it here.


The API is documented using Swagger. You can access the documentation by going to http://localhost:5000/swagger/index.html.