
This project is an authentication API using Django Rest Framework and dj-rest-auth.

Primary LanguagePython

Django Rest Framework Authentication API

This project is an authentication API using Django Rest Framework and dj-rest-auth.

Available Endpoints

Register User

  • URL: api/auth/register/
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Registers a new user.
  • Example Request:
      "username": "user",
      "password1": "password",
      "password2": "password",
      "email": "user@example.com"


  • URL: api/auth/login/
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Authenticates a user and returns access tokens.
  • Example Request:
      "username": "user",
      "password": "password"


  • URL: api/auth/logout/
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Logs out the authenticated user.

User Details

  • URL: api/auth/user/
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Returns details of the authenticated user.

Verify Token

  • URL: api/auth/token/verify/
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Verifies the validity of a token.
  • Example Request:
      "token": "your-token"

Refresh Token

  • URL: api/auth/token/refresh/
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Refreshes the access token.
  • Example Request:
      "token": "your-token"

Installation and Setup

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/your-username/your-repo-name.git
cd your-repo-name
  1. Install Poetry if you haven't already:
pip install poetry
  1. Install the dependencies:
poetry install
  1. Apply migrations:
poetry run python manage.py migrate
  1. Run the development server:
poetry run python manage.py runserver


Use a tool like Postman or httpie to interact with the API endpoints.