A CS101 Course Project involving making a simple game using C++ graphics. The Bubble Trouble is a shooter game where you shoot bullets designed to pop the bubble.
- W - Shoot
- A - Move left
- D - Move right
- Q - Quit the game
The game has 10 levels each level more difficult than the last. You only win if you pop all bubbles. But if the timer is over or health is gone you lose. Remember you can only shoot 10 bullets at a time.
- Type 1 - They disappear on shooting (small size)
- Type 2 - They split in two Type 1 bubble on shooting (medium size)
- Type 3 - They split in two Type 2 bubble on shooting (large size)
1. Health Ball - Increases health by 1
2. Freeze Ball - Freezes all bubbles for some time. You can move and do not suffer damage in that period
Link for video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17BxwFY5zTTLDf0hnZ8Dw4uV-1cVjhL-8/view?usp=sharing