
NTU IEEE Hackathon 2016

Primary LanguageJavaScript


NTU IEEE Hackathon 2016

Project Description

Two-to-four-player real-time minesweeper battle on the same minefield, competing to uncover the most number of correct flags with fewest penalties.

How to play?

  1. Open client page, input in your nickname, then click "Start" to enter the matchmaking queue in order to find a suitable opponent. In one round, there will be at least 2 players and at most 4 players.
  2. Play minesweeper normally (See rules).
  3. Game is over when all mines are flagged or uncovered.


  1. Every correct flag is going to rewarded +1 point, and every wrong flag or triggered mine will penalized the player by -1 and -5 points respectively.
  2. Winner is determined by highest score. Draw is declared in case of tie.

Running the programs


  1. At "client" folder, open index.html at any modern browser (alternatively, access it at Rawgit)
  2. Important: Wait for another player to start find match. You can try to simulate two users at one on one machine by opening the same page in a new tab.


  1. At "server" folder, npm install (to install dependencies)
  2. To run, node index.js


  1. Client-AI can connect to the server and act as the AI opponent for the match.
  2. At "client-ai" folder, execute pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. To run AI, python main.py

Future improvement

  1. Allows more than 2 players at one board Done per dfe5b80
  2. Dynamic board size, according to number of players.
  3. Smarter AI. Currently, the AI only moves when there is a trivial action.
  4. Records player's game result and predict their skills accordingly.
  5. Better matchmaking algorithm according to user skills.
  6. Possible additional game modes, e.g. no-flag mode.
  7. In-app purchase to obtain special flag design, etc.


At YouTube