
This application shows how one sets up a connection to the SpareBank1 API, getting an oauth token and retrieving data from a sandbox or production environment.

Primary LanguageKotlin

SpareBank1 Open API Tutorial


This application shows how one sets up a connection to the SpareBank1 API, getting an oauth token and retrieving data from production environment.

The example in this application sends a request to get a default account. Then the application sends another request to get all transaction for an account and print out the newest transactions.

Build Application

mvn clean install

Set up for environment

1. Register Application

Go to Personlig Klient and choose the bank that you are a customer of and register the application there. If you're not a customer in any of the SpareBank1 banks, then you need to create a customer relation here https://www.sparebank1.no.

2. Get an authorization code

In the production environment, to get an oauth token you need an authorization code. To generate an authorization code open the following in a browser:



finInst: is your bank's identifier. A list of banks ca can be found at https://developersparebank1.no/personlig-klient
client_id: is the value issued to your application
state: is any client-defined value
redirect_uri: is where the client is redirected after authentication. Must match a pre-configured redirect URI for your application
response_type: must be "code"

You will see a BANKID login screen. After the login, you will be redirected to specified redirect_uri with the authorization code.

IMPORTANT: Note that the authorization code is only valid for a couple of minutes and can only be used once to get an oauth token. To get a new oauth token, you need to repeat Step 2 and issue a new authorization code. Even if a request to get an oauth token fails, you will still need to send a request to get a new authorization code.

3. Configure properties for production

Properties needed to run this application can be found application.yaml

api_url:  https://api.sparebank1.no
client_id: found where you registered you application
client_secret: found where you registered you application
redirect_url: the same redirect url that you registered with your application
authorization_code: Authorization code from BANKID login 

Run the application

From terminal

mvn spring-boot:run

From IntelliJ IDEA

Run the application from the main function in Sb1OpenApiTutorialApplication.kt

Oauth Token

Running the application will generate an oauth token used to make request to retrieve data.

The oauth token is valid for 10 minutes and can be reused when making request to retrieve data. To make it simple, this application saves the token to a file called token.txt. When you rerun this application, the token is read from the file. If you want to retest the request to get an oauth token, delete the value in token.txt.

Refresh token

Refresh token is not implemented in this application. To get a new oauth token, you need to repeat Step 2 and make a new bankId login to issue a new. The token endpoint returns a refresh token together with the access token, that can be used to get a new oauth token. The refresh token is valid for 30 days.