Raspberry Pi night vision goggle code. python code that creates a side by side stero view (steroscopic) from a single camera Install instruction can found in the INSTALL.md
- RPi 3b+
- noir camera (arducam B003503)
- Resolution: 5MP 2592×1944
- Video: 1080p 30 fps, 720p 60fps, 480p 90fps
- desktop monitor HDMI (1600x900)
- RPi 3b+
- noir camera (arducam B003503)
- Resolution: 5MP 2592×1944
- Video: 1080p 30 fps, 720p 60fps, 480p 90fps
- 3.5 Inch HDMI (UCTRONICS)(480*320)
- RPi 0W
- noir camera (arducam B003503)
- Resolution: 5MP 2592×1944
- Video: 1080p 30 fps, 720p 60fps, 480p 90fps
- 7 Inch HDMI (MakerFocus)(800x480)
- test: RPi 3b+ (1-5% cpu usage)
- test: RPi 0W (5-10% cpu usage)
- Display is HDMI (there seems to be lag issues when using Display Connector DSI, or GPIO)
- orginal code found at https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=187070
- other youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdtEr_CbDv0
- sudo python3 /code/rpi-goggles/nightvisiongoggles.py
- sudo raspivid -t 800000000
- stop command: sudo pkill -9 python
- stop command: sudo pkill -9 raspivid