ExchangeSystem are networking protocols that can exchange information between two sides without network protection or use aes+rsa (and custom) encription. Under the hood is used a TCP/IP stable connection which guarantees that data will received.
In this solution, you can extend an existing one, or write your own protocols using the RequestSender
auxiliary class to work with TcpClient
, or use your own solutions using the open IRequestSender
interface (IRequestSender<TRequest, TResponse>
As an example, you can see AdvancedRequestSender
and AdvancedAesRsaSender
using Aes256 and RSA1024 encryption algorithms implemented in the .NET standard library.
IRequestSender sender = new AdvancedRequestSender(connection);
IRequestSender protectedSender = new AdvancedAesRsaSender(connection);
To work with your own protocols, you can use Exchange.Server in which requests are processed using controllers from the MVC pattern.
public class AuthorizationController : Controller
public AuthorizationController() : base() { }
public AuthorizationController(RequestContext context) : base(context) { }
public virtual Response Authorization(HashedUserPassport passport)
Response response;
if (IsAuthSuccess())
response = CreateSuccessAuthResponse();
else response = CreateFailedAuthResponse();
return response;
In the future I'll make a desktop (mobile) client and nice (hopefully) web-site. But today I'm finalizing and cleaning up codebase to use this solution without problems. Here is what I want to implement:
- Desktop client (WPF)
- Online-chat
- Message wall
- User profile
- Solve a specific problem
- Web-site (TypeScript / Bootstrap)
- Use OpenGl
- Minimal interface
- Download installer and read the application description
- For .NET Core 3.1
- Encryptors : .NET Core 3.1
- Newtonsoft.Json : v.13.0.1
- Polly : v.7.2.3
Sample usage on client side:
var connection = new ConnectionSettings("", 88);
var sender = new AdvancedRequestSender(connection);
var response = await sender.SendRetryRequestAsync(CreateAuthRequest());
if(response.Report.Status == ResponseStatus.Success){
var responseWithToken = response as Response<Guid>;
return responseWithToken.Content; // Guid
private UserPassport _passport = new UserPassport("asd", "1234");
private Request<HashedUserProfile> CreateAuthRequest(){
var request = new Request<HashedUserPassport>("Authorization", ProtectionType.Default);
var hashedPassport = HashedUserPassport.CreateHashed(passport);
request.Body = new Body<HashedUserPassport>(hashedPassport);
return request;