CS6375_assignment3: https://github.com/SparrowChang/CS6375_assignment3
In a ZIP archive. Here are the files and their descriptions:
README.md: This file contains any necessary instructions or information about the project.
kmeans.ipynb: This Colab notebook can be accessed at https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1d5eb3PrrCj8Dn224Am7cQhYetjVsVMOJ?usp=sharing It is designed to be run with Python 3.10. The notebook uses a dataset from the UCI ML Repository, obtained from the URL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SparrowChang/CS6375_assignment3/main/foxnewshealth.txt. Running all cells in the Colab interface will evaluate "foxnewshealth.txt", then will generate - kmeans_cluster_log.txt: This file contains the number of k = 1 to 5 and each k with its SSE and cluster sizes.
CS6375 Assignment3_230803_final.pdf: This file is a report presenting the results in a tabular format.