Using Terraform to lauch a Loadbalanced web app

1. Prerequisites

  • Set up an AMI with ssh key connection

ssh-keygen -t rsa

`send the public key to the instance with the following command:

cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh user@ "mkdir -p ~/.ssh && cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"`

  • Put the private key in the file *** Be sure not to upload these to Github ***

2. Launching the VPC

  • terraform init
  • terraform plan -target=module.vpc
  • terraform apply -target=module.vpc


3. Launch the Target Groups

  • terraform plan -target=module.alb-target-group
  • terraform apply -target=module.alb-target-group


4. Launching Loadbalancer *** THIS STAGE CAN BE DONE LAST ***

  • Make sure you copy the ARN once the target-groups are created and the copy this into the following file

*** for this stage, please have a valid certificate-arn too

  • launch the Load-balancer with the following commands

  • terraform plan

  • terraform apply

5. Set up the Security Groups for EC2s

*** Ensure to update the Inbound rule to your IP address in the following file RULE-3-INBOUND-RULES

  • terraform plan
  • terraform apply -target=module.bari-ec2-sg

6. Setting up EC2s

  • Update the subnet id in the following file ec2-app-v1
  • go to line 18 and update the subnet id from your aws dashboard
  • In this file you can customise the settings of your deployment

*** Ensure you have placed your private key generated earlier as they will be used to ssh into the instances created ***

  • terraform plan -target=module.ec2-app-v1
  • terraform apply -target=module.ec2-app-v1


7. Provisioning EC2s

  • before running this command, you need update the host variable in the following file:


  • you need to update it with the public ip of the newly created ec2 instance

  • terraform plan -target null_resource.remote-exec

  • terraform apply -target null_resource.remote-exec


Destroying Resources

terraform destroy -target
terraform destroy -target=module.ec2-app-v1
terraform destroy -target=module.bari-ec2-sg
terraform destroy -target=module.alb-target
terraform destroy -target=module.vpc