Manipulating files/directories

  • learning to move files from local machine to the virtual machine
  • to do so we use the sink_files feature in vagrant

Error handling

  • running the vm this morning returned the error that "the vm was created with a user that doesnt match the current user"
  • check hidden files - using the command ls -a
  • remove .vagrant file

Communications with developers - to understand requirements

  • what language is used to build the app
  • what framework has been used - mvc, react(front-end)
  • what are the dependencies and which ones have been included and which ones are needed
  • what will the app look like

install dependencies on ruby

  • install bundler in root mode using sudo -i
  • exit sudo and run the command bundle to download and install dependencies

run the test rake test

  • gives you the instructions to pass all the test

enter the vm

  • sudo apt-get updates

  • sudo apt-get install "package"

  • sudo apt-get upgrade

  • systemctl status nginx (name of the program)

  • go back to vm install node.js

  • use curl to install packages that or not in a package directory

  • in order to install pm2

  • install nom first in sudo

  • npm package manager for node

bash scripting

  • bash scripts can help us automate processes .sh means it is an executable file

chmod - change mode on linux bash - make files executable +x name_of_file

  • syntax to make a file executable +x
  • to run the executable file: ./name_of_file

created an bash script which downloaded nginx again onto our device


  • sudo apt-get update
  • sudo apt-get install nginx
  • sudo apt-get upgrade

understanding how sinking works with vagrant

  • changes from the vagrant file affects the app in both the vm and local machine

more linux commands

  • "top" - shows all the programs running on the system
  • "ps" shows system information
  • "chmode" change mode
  • "cat" (name of the file) returns the content of a file on the terminal

excercise - find out the linux permissions code to assign permission to files

  • chmod - modify access rights

  • su - temporarily become the superuser

  • sudo - temporarily become the superuser

  • chown - change ownership

  • chgrp - change a file's group ownership

  • chmod +rwx filename - to add permissions

  • chmod +rwx filename - to remove permissions

  • chmod +x filename - to allow executable permissions

  • chmod -wx filename - to take out write and executable permissions

how to change permissions in numeric code

  • 0 = no permission

  • 1 = execute

  • 2 = write

  • 3 = read

  • 777 - no restrictions on permissions, anybody can do anything

config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/home/vagrant/app"

automating vagrantfile

  • the "." adds all the files in the current directory
  • Vagrant reload - saves all changes and applies them to the vm

write a provisional script

  • how to run a shell script command from environment folder
  • create a file called a
  • include the commands for install nginx in the script
  • the syntax for running a bash script from a vagrant file -config.vm.provision "shell", path: "environment/"