
Estimated distance using LightGlue in a simple Visual Odometry application.

Primary LanguagePython

Simple VO

Using the LightGlue feature extractor, implemented a Visual Odometry system to estimate the camera's motion in a 3D environment.

vo gif

Getting Started

cd simple_vo_challenge
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python read_coco.py
python visual_odometry.py
python animate_plot.py
xdg-open animation.gif


The provided dataset (sample_coco_dataset.json) is formatted in the COCO style. It contains:

  • images: Each image entry is associated with an id, width, height, and file_name.
  • annotations: Annotations link detected objects with their bounding boxes in specific images. Each annotation entry has an image_id, bbox (which provides the bounding box in the format [x, y, width, height]), and a category_id.