
Discord bot to help in Discord/spreadsheet relationships

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Discord bot to help in Discord/spreadsheet relationships

How to use Tosurnament in your tournament ?

You can check out the tutorial to know how to setup the Tosurnament Bot in your Discord server.

You can also check the commands directly if you are an experienced user.

How to add a new language / more translations to Tosurnament ?

First, you need to clone the repository. Then, in the folder backend/bot/replies, you will see multiple subfolders with en.json file in them. You need to copy this file in the same folder, rename it to the language code in the language you want to translate (fr.json for French for example). Now you only need to translate every entries, but beware of:

  • entries containing $, you must not modify the path name to another language (example: $./no_staff_notification Some other text, $./no_staff_notification must not be changed, but what is after should be changed)
  • entries containing %, you must not modify the number following them After you're done translating, just open a Pull Request in this repo and I will check it.

How to host your own Tosurnament bot ?


  • Linux on where you want to host the bot (server or on your personal computer)
  • mysql/mariadb installed
  • python3.8 or later installed
  • Docker compose
  • Clone the repo =)

Creating the bot (if not already done)

  1. Go to the discord developer portal
  2. Click the New Application button and fill the form

Get the bot token

  1. After selecting the newly created application, click the Bot tab in the left
  2. Click the Copy button below TOKEN. You might need to click the Reset Token button first.
  3. Paste the copied token in the BOT_TOKEN field of the .env.production.secret file present in the repository

Get your osu api

  1. This can be a little annoying to get, but you need to go to https://osu.ppy.sh/p/api/, login, then close the tab, copy paste the url in the adress bar, and do Shift+ENTER, it should lead you to the correct page and here you can generate/get your osu api key.
  2. Paste the copied api key in the OSU_API_KEY field of the .env.production.secret file present in the repository

Get your discord ID

  1. Activate developer mode in discord if not already done: Settings -> Appearance -> Advanced -> Developer Mode
  2. Right-click on your name in any channel and click Copy ID
  3. Paste the copied id in the BOT_OWNER_ID field of the .env file present in the repository

Set the bot prefix

You can set the bot prefix to anything you want by changing the COMMAND_PREFIX field in .env.production.secret.

Set the database username and password

Change the MYSQL_USER and MYSQL_PASSWORD to anything you want in .env.production.secret. You don't need to create the user, it will be created automatically by the setup.sh script.

Set the challonge username and api key (optional)

  1. Go to https://challonge.com/settings/developer and copy your API key.
  2. Paste the copied id in the CHALLONGE_API_KEY field in .env.production.secret.
  3. Put your challonge username in the CHALLONGE_USERNAME field in .env.production.secret.

Use the setup.sh script

Go to the root of the repository and do ./setup.sh. It will install all the required python dependencies and setup the database.

Get an encryption key

To get an encryption key you need to:

  1. Open a python shell (python3)
  2. from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
  3. Fernet.generate_key()
  4. Copy the generated key and paste it in the ENCRYPTION_KEY field in .env.production.secret.

Set your discord client id, secret and redirect uri for the dashboard

  1. Go to the discord developer portal
  2. Select your bot application and click OAuth2 on the left
  3. Copy your CLIENT ID and paste it in the DISCORD_CLIENT_ID field in .env.production.secret
  4. Click Reset Secret and copy and paste it in the DISCORD_CLIENT_SECRET field in .env.production.secret
  5. Add your redirect uri, it must be your dashboard url followed by /redirect. For example: https://mydashboard.com/redirect
    Copy it and paste it in the TOSURNAMENT_DASHBOARD_URI field in .env.production

Set your osu api key and redirect uri for the authentication


Caddy setup

  1. In your Caddyfile (/etc/caddy/Caddyfile usually), add the following lines:
my.api.url {
        handle {
               reverse_proxy * http://localhost:5001

my.dashboard.url {
        handle {
               reverse_proxy * http://localhost:3000
  1. Change the urls to use your domain
  2. Use caddy reload

Create a Service (TODO)

This part is TODO. For now, you can start the docker with docker compose build, then docker compose up. If the db is unhealthy at first start, you can do docker compose down then docker compose up again.

  1. Create a new service file. For exmaple: /etc/systemd/system/tosurnament.service
  2. Fill the file with:
Description=Tosurnament api


  1. Modify WorkingDirectory with the path to the tosurnament directory.
  2. Start the service with sudo systemctl start tosurnament, where tosurnament is the name of your service file (without the .service extension).