
Find a good name for the package

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Decide this package's name!

This issue tracks naming options for the developed package. To insert a option, simply leave a comment or write an Email to


  1. The name should be connected to either to the purpose of the package or the authors (wordplay totally acceptable).
  2. Please explain the rationale of your choice in a few words when submitting your idea.
  3. Feel free to be very creative.
  4. The maximum number of suggestions per participant is limited to 3


The team behind your_package_name_here will communicate with the winner to find a fitting prize. Possible options are:

  • Money (~20€)
  • Help with personal projects
  • Opportunity to give a talk in our Group
  • We are open to other suggestions

Decision Process

There is no formal process. The team will decide in an open conversation. This is by nature of the problem a subjective choice.

Previous suggestions.

  • FisInMa (current working name)
  • FisIM
  • Fishy
  • ...