Elf is an erasing-based floating-point data compression algorithm with a high compression ratio.
Developers can follow the steps below for compression testing.
More details can be found in http://start-db.urbcomp.org/elf/
(Please switch to the branch of vldb2023-release to test the performance of VLDB paper. For the dev branch, we have optimized the algorithm, which is under review of VLDBJ; thus, some logics of the dev branch may be not the same with those described in the VLDB paper. You are recommended to use the dev branch, because it should perform much better in terms both of compression ratio and compression time.)
- Elf can greatly increase the number of trailing zeros in XORed results, which enhances the compression ratio with a theoretical guarantee
- Elf algorithm takes only O (1) in both time complexity and space complexity.
- Elf adopts an elaborated coding strategy for the XORed results with many trailing zeros.
- The erasing operation in this project can be used as a preprocessing step for all XOR-based compression algorithms.
This project mainly includes the following various compression algorithms:
The main code for the Elf algorithm is in the org/urbcomp/startdb/compress/elf package.
The main code for the Chimp algorithm is in the gr/aueb/delorean/chimp package.
The main code for the Gorilla algorithm is in the fi/iki/yak/ts/compression/gorilla package.
The main code for the FPC algorithm is in the com/github/kutschkem/fpc package.
The main code for other general compression algorithms is in the org/apache/hadoop/hbase/io/compress package.
ELF includes compressor and decompressor packages as well as xorcompressor and xordecompressor.
This package includes 7 different XOR-based compression algorithms and provides a standard ICompressor interface. The erasing operation is abstracted as AbstractElfCompressor.
- ElfCompressor: This class is the complete elf compression algorithm.
- ElfOnChimpCompressor: This class is pre-processed for erasure and then compressed using the Chimp algorithm.
- ElfOnChimpNCompressor: This class is pre-processed for erasure and then compressed using the Chimp128 algorithm.
- ElfOnGorillaCompressorOS: This class is pre-processed for erasure and then compressed using the Gorilla algorithm.
- GorillaCompressorOS: This class is the Gorilla algorithm using Bitstream I/O optimization.
- ChimpCompressor: This class is the original chimp algorithm.
- ChimpNCompressor: This class is the original chimp128 algorithm.
This package includes the decompressors corresponding to the above 7 compressors and gives the standard IDecompressor interface
This package is a compressed encoding of post-erase data designed for XOR-based operations
This package is a decompression of the erased data designed based on the XOR-based operation code.
We recommend IntelliJ IDEA for developing this project. In our experiment, the default data block size is 1000. That is, 1000 pieces of data are read in each time for compression testing. If the size of the data set is less than 1000, we will not read it. The final experimental result is an average calculation of the compression of all data blocks.
The following resources need to be downloaded and installed:
- Java 8 download: https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/downloads/#java8
- IntelliJ IDEA download: https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/
- git download:https://git-scm.com/download
- maven download: https://archive.apache.org/dist/maven/maven-3/
Download and install jdk-8, IntelliJ IDEA and git. IntelliJ IDEA's maven project comes with maven, you can also use your own maven environment, just change it in the settings.
Open IntelliJ IDEA, find the git column, and select Clone...
In the Repository URL interface, Version control selects git
URL filling: https://github.com/Spatio-Temporal-Lab/elf.git
File -> Project Structure -> Project -> Project SDK -> add SDK
Click JDK to select the address where you want to download jdk-8
Select the org/urbcomp/startdb/compress/elf package in the test folder, which includes tests for 64bits Double data and 32bits Float data.
In doubleprecision package
- The TestCompressor class includes compression tests for 22 data sets. The test results are saved in result/result.csv in resource.
- The TestBeta class is a compression test for different beta of data. Two data sets with long mantissa are selected and different bits are reserved for compression test. The test results are saved in result/resultBeta.csv in resource.
In singleprecision package
- The TestCompressor class includes compression tests for 22 data sets. The test results are saved in result32/result.csv in resource.
In order to use Elf more conveniently, you must want to use your own data for testing, you can follow the steps below to use your own data set for testing.
When you have a dataset of type double, for example in a csv file. If the form of the data is the same as the data set given in the system, you can put your own dataset in the resources package, and then add the name of your own dataset in FIleName in the TestCompressor class.
In our experiment, the default data block size is 1000. That is, 1000 pieces of data are read in each time for compression testing, and the part of the data set smaller than 1000 cannot be read. If the data set is too small, the result may be empty.