Rice University Shopping List in React



  • A text input,
  • a “create button”,
  • a list of pending items
  • a list of crossed-off items.


  • Clicking a pending item moves it to the crossed off section.
  • Clicking a crossed off item moves it to pending.
  • Display a subtotal (sum of all prices) in the pending list.
  • Quantity and price should be displayed in the list with the items
  • Clicking the create button adds a pending list item with the text from the input and clears the input
  • Typing in the text input filters the lists of items below based on substring match
  • In each list items are sorted alphabetically.
  • Pending items should be grouped by category, while crossed off items remain in one list
  • Create an interface for editing additional metadata for each item, add metadata: category, quantity, and price. All three are optional inputs.


  • check against null value before creating new item
  • delete/remove item functionality
  • show which column is sorted with chevrons
  • allow non default columns to sort
  • styling overhaul
  • State mamnagement would likely need to be lifted out of the app.js to a dedicated service (e.g. redux) if the state vars continue to grow

Areas of Concern

  • duplicated/redundant functions (eg. handleInputChange in App.js)
  • mobile friendliness is lacking
  • state is in memory, refreshes or navigation clean away user input ** saving lists to localStorage for persistent state
  • list.js ballooned in complexity ** would likely benefit from having row specific functionality pulled out into its own component


  • I wasn't really sure how the UX is envisioned with the following 2 AC points: Clicking the create button adds a pending list item with the text from the input and clears the input and Typing in the text input filters the lists of items below based on substring match

Seeing as a user would be filtering the table to find an item not to create Due to my confusion I ended up adding two input fields which is a solution but likely not ideal.