
An elegant solution for controlling player flight in Minecraft

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

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An elegant solution for controlling player flight

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To build/have the latest functional version of FlightControl, clone the beta branch and build the jar using gradle clean shadowJar. Website development builds are coming soon.

Package Respository

To use FlightControl in your own development environment without directly importing the jar, please use JitPack.


The Wiki contains all the information you need, whether it be permissions, placeholders, or almost anything else (the rest coming soon).

Other Links

Donate: https://geofang.com/donate

Discord: https://geofang.com/discord

Issue Tracker: https://github.com/Spazzinq/FlightControl/issues

Spigot Page: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/flightcontrol.55168/