
Experimental ORM layer for Moodle

Primary LanguagePHP


Experimental ORM layer for Moodle

How To Use

  1. Drop korma.php into your project
  2. Add a require('korma.php') to your script


Unit tests are included. Run them with PHPunit in the usual way.

Defining Models

class Author extends Model {
    protected static $table = 'author';
    protected static $fields = array(
        'firstname' => 'string',s
        'lastname' => 'string'
    protected static $one_to_many_relations = array(
        'books' => array(
            'model' => 'Book',
            'field' => 'authorid'

class Book extends Model {
    protected static $table = 'book';
    protected static $fields = array(
        'title' => 'string',
        'year' => 'integer'
    protected static $many_to_one_relations = array(
        'author' => array(
            'model' => 'Author',
            'field' => 'authorid'

You don't have to describe all fields in the database. Just the ones you want to use.

Retrieving Instances


Returns an array of all books in the DB.


Returns the first book in the database. If a filter was specified, would return the first matching result. If there are no matches in the database, returns boolean false.


Returns a count of all books in the DB. Can also be used with filters.


    'year' => 1929

Returns a list of books published in 1929.

Can also be written as:

    'year__eq' => 1929

Other filters are available:

  • ieq (case insensitive)
  • gt
  • gte
  • lt
  • lte
  • startswith
  • istartswith
  • endswith
  • iendswith
  • contains
  • icontains
  • in

AND-ing Filters

    'year__gt' => 2010
    'title__contains' => 'PHP'

Returns all books that have PHP in the title AND were published since 2010.

OR-ing Filters

        'title__contains' => 'Javascript'
    ), array(
        'title__contains' => 'jQuery'

Returns all that have Javascript OR jQuery in the title.

Creating And Saving Instances

$emily = new Author();
$emily->first_name = 'Emily';
$emily->last_name = 'Bronte';

Creates the book and saves it to the database.

Can also be written as:

$emily = new Book(array(
    'first_name' => 'Emily',
    'last_name' => 'Bronte'

Alter properties and re-save:

$emily->last_name => 'Brontë';

Properties can be other objects if many-to-one relationships are defined.

$heights = Book::get(array(
    'title' => 'Wuthering Heights'
$heights->author = $emily;

Deleting Instances

    'year__lt' => 1984

Deletes all books released prior to 1984.

Working With One-To-Many Relations


Returns a list of Emily's books.

$emily->add_related('books', array($heights));

Sets $height's authorid to $emily->id.

$emily->remove_related('books', array($heights));

Removes Emily's books by NULLing the book->authorid field. Note: some 'FK' fields in Moodle aren't NULLable (course_completions.course, for example). In these cases, using model::delete may be more suitable.

$emily->set_related('books', array($heights));

Removes Emily's existing books then adds the ones specified.

All of these functions will accept an array of instances or IDs.

Refreshing An Instance From The Database


Pulls all fields directly from the database and updates the instance.