
Hexagonal tools lib in rust

Primary LanguageRustApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


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Hexagonal tools lib in rust.

Inspired by this RedBlobGames article.

This lib allows you to:

  • Manipulate hexagon coordinates
  • Generate hexagonal maps with custom layouts and orientation
  • Generate hexagon meshes (planes or columns)

I made the choice to use Axial Coordinates for performance and utility reasons, but the [Hex] type has conversion utilities with cubic, doubled and offset coordinates.

See the hexagonal coordinate systems


Run cargo add hexx in your project or add the following line to your Cargo.toml:

  • hexx = "0.5"

Cargo features

hexx supports serialization and deserialization of most types using serde, through the ser_de feature gate. To enable it add the following line to your Cargo.toml:

  • hexx = { version = "0.5", features = ["ser_de"] }

By default Hex uses rust classic memory layout, if you want to use hexx through the FFI or have Hex be stored without any memory padding, the packed feature will make Hex repr(C). To enable this behaviour add the following line to your Cargo.toml:

  • hexx = { version = "0.5", features = ["packed"] }


hexx provides the [Hex] coordinates with:

  • Distances
  • Neighbors and directions
  • Lines
  • Ranges
  • Rings
  • Edges
  • Wedges
  • Spirals
  • Rotation
  • Symmetry
  • Vector operations
  • Conversions to other coordinate systems

And the [HexMap] utility, for wraparound (seamless) hexagonal maps

Basic usage

 use hexx::*;

 // Declare points in hexagonal spaces
 let point_a = hex(10, -5); // Equivalent of `Hex::new(10, -5)`
 let point_b = hex(-8, 15);
 // Find distance between them
 let dist = point_a.unsigned_distance_to(point_b);
 // Compute a line between points
 let line: Vec<Hex> = point_a.line_to(point_b).collect();
 // Compute a ring from `point_a` containing `point_b`
 let ring: Vec<Hex> = point_a.ring(dist).collect();
 // Rotate `point_b` around `point_a` by 2 times 60 degrees clockwise
 let rotated = point_b.rotate_right_around(point_a, 2);
 // Find the direction between the two points
 let dir_a = point_a.main_direction_to(point_b);
 let dir_b = point_b.main_direction_to(point_a);
 assert!(dir_a == -dir_b);
 // Compute a wedge from `point_a` to `point_b`
 let wedge = point_a.wedge_to(point_b);
 // Get the average value of the wedge
 let avg = wedge.average();

Layout usage

[HexLayout] is the bridge between your world/screen/pixel coordinate system and the hexagonal coordinates system.

 use hexx::*;

 // Define your layout
 let layout = HexLayout {
    hex_size: Vec2::new(1.0, 1.0),
    orientation: HexOrientation::flat(),
 // Get the hex coordinate at the world position `world_pos`.
 let world_pos = Vec2::new(53.52, 189.28);
 let point = layout.world_pos_to_hex(world_pos);
 // Get the world position of `point`
 let point = hex(123, 45);
 let world_pos = layout.hex_to_world_pos(point);

Usage in Bevy

If you want to generate 3D hexagonal mesh and use it in bevy you may do it this way:

 use bevy::prelude::Mesh;
 use bevy::render::{mesh::Indices, render_resource::PrimitiveTopology};
 use hexx::{HexLayout, Hex, MeshInfo};

 pub fn hexagonal_plane(hex_layout: &HexLayout) -> Mesh {
    // Compute hex plane data for at the origin
    let mesh_info = MeshInfo::hexagonal_plane(hex_layout, Hex::ZERO);
    // Compute the bevy mesh
    let mut mesh = Mesh::new(PrimitiveTopology::TriangleList);
    mesh.insert_attribute(Mesh::ATTRIBUTE_POSITION, mesh_info.vertices.to_vec());
    mesh.insert_attribute(Mesh::ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, mesh_info.normals.to_vec());
    mesh.insert_attribute(Mesh::ATTRIBUTE_UV_0, mesh_info.uvs.to_vec());

The [MeshInfo] type provides the following mesh generations:

  • [MeshInfo::hexagonal_plane] (7 vertices) useful for 2D games
  • [MeshInfo::cheap_hexagonal_column] (13 vertices) with merged vertices and useful only for unlit games
  • [MeshInfo::partial_hexagonal_column] (31 vertices) without the bottom face
  • [MeshInfo::hexagonal_column] (38 vertices) with the bottom face

See the examples for bevy usage


hexx provides interactive examples showcasing various features:

Hex grid


cargo run --example hex_grid

This example showcases hex ranges, rings, wedges, rotation, and lines

Scroll Map


cargo run --example scroll_map

This example showcases the HexMap struct for scrolling maps

Wrap Map


cargo run --example wrap_map

This example showcases the HexMap struct for looping/wrapping map

A Star pathfinding


cargo run --example a_star

This example showcases the A star algorithm, with an interactive pathfinding between the origin and your cursor. Clicking on tile toggles their availability

Field of view


cargo run --example fov

This example showcases the FOV algorithm, with an interactive range fov around your cursor. Clicking on tile toggles their visibility.

Field of movement


cargo run --example field_of_movement

This example showcases the field of movement algorithm, interactively displaying the accessible range of movement around the cursor.

3d columns


cargo run --example 3d_columns

This example showcases the 3d hexagon columns procedural generation