zoom presets for netflix, to enjoy it in ultrawide format. Compatible with all browsers who supports tampermonkey (chrome, firefox, edge...)
Instructions :
- Install tampermonkey on your browser https://tampermonkey.net/
- go to netflix_ultrawide.user.js on this repository and click "raw"
- Tampermonkey will recognize the script and should install it.
- If it don't work, go in tampermonkey, dashboard and install it manually (copy / past)
How it works :
Go to netflix, then tampermonkey will detect netflix and should execute the script. In fullscreen, press "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7" to switch between predefined zooms. You can changes keybinding if you want to, and add presets.
Notes :
If you don't want to install and use tampermonkey, it's a choice, you can just copy past the script in your browser console on netflix.com