
PWr - 3 Semestr - Technologie Programowania - Laboratorium Lista 1

Primary LanguageJava


PWr - 3 Semestr - Technologie Programowania (Programming Technologies) - Laboratories list 1


java maven

To run the project you must have Maven installed.

Download instructions can be found here

Running the project

  1. Opan Git Bash or any type of command line capable of executing git

  2. Enter the directory you want to keep the project files:

cd <project_dir>
  1. Clone the project repository:
git clone https://github.com/SpectraL519/pwr_s3_tp_lab1.git
  1. Enter the PositionalSystems folder:
cd PositionalSystems
  1. Optional: Check the project source code using PMD and Checkstyle:
mvn site
  1. Build the maven package:
mvn package
  1. Execute the project code:
java -cp target/PositionalSystems-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar com.PWr.app.App