
A simple feed forward binary classification neural network

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


A simple feed forward binary classification neural network

Environment setup

Requires: python 3.9

Note: There hasn't yet been released an official numpy wheel for python 3.10

python -m venv env
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m ipykernel install --name bcnn



Binary classification dense feed forward network

class bcnn.network.BinaryClassifier(input_size, neurons, activation, metric, loss, normalizer)


  • input_size : int - size of the input vector
  • neurons : list[int] or tuple[int, ...] - list of hidden layers neuron counts
  • activation : bcnn.Activation - the activation function of the network
  • metric : bcnn.Metric - the metric used to evalueate the model
  • loss : bcnn.Loss - the loss function used to evaluate the model
  • normalizer : bcnn.Normalizer - the normalization function applied to the data before trainig or evaluating the model or before making predictions


bcnn.activation.py - A collection of activation functions:

  • ReLU
  • Sigmoid
  • TanH
  • Softmax
  • Swish

Each activation function is represented as a class deriving from abstract class bcnn.activation.Activation


bcnn.metrics.py - A collection of metric functions:

  • Accuracy
  • Precision
  • Recall
  • F1Score
  • AUC
  • LogLoss

Each metric is represented as a class deriving from abstract class bcnn.metrics.Metric


bcnn.losses.py - A collection of loss functions:

  • MSE
  • MAE
  • BinaryCrossentropy
  • Hinge
  • SquaredHinge
  • SigmoidCrossentropy
  • Jaccard
  • Dice

Each loss function is represented as a class deriving from abstract class bcnn.losses.Loss


bcnn.normalizers.py - A collection of activation functions:

  • L1
  • L2
  • ZScore
  • MinMax
  • LogTransform
  • BoxCox (Parameters: lmbda : int, default = None)
  • YeoJohnson (Parameters: lmbda : int, default = 0)

Each normalizer is represented as a class deriving from abstract class bcnn.normalizers.Normalizer


Refactor $L_1$ and $L_2$ normalizers - Create a single class $L_k(ord)$ which will support integer or None values of $k$ (if None normalizer becomes $L_\infty$)